People at the Institute of Organic Chemistry

Research groups

Staff directory: people at our institute

Here you can find contact information of all members of the institute: You can filter by name, section/research group or role.

Executive Director

Executive Board

Nick Gerlach
Representatives for Research Staff
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Kirschning
Katja Körner
Technical and administrative staff representatives
Ines-Britta Roloff
Technical and administrative staff deputy representatives
Henrik Schwarz, M.Sc.
Deputy Representatives for Research Staff

Deputy Management

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Kirschning

IT Representatives

Safety Officers


Cooperating/External Professors

Prof. Dr. Mark Brönstrup

Postdoctoral researchers

Lecturing Staff

Dr. rer. nat. Timo Fleßner
Dr. Kai Rossen

Emeritus/Retired Professors

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Holger Butenschön
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Helmut Duddeck
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Hallensleben

Doctoral Candidates

Minh Trang Aselmann, M. Sc.
Maximilian Gerhardt Bauer, M.Sc.
David Immanuel Berger, M.Sc.
Bartosz Aleksander Leszczynski, M.Sc.
Jan Philipp Möller, M.Sc.
Henry Frederik Struwe, M. Sc.

Section Antibiotics

Research Staff

Head of Work Group

Section Chemical Biology

Lecturers from other Universities

Dominik Heimann

Section Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy

Section Medicinal Chemistry


Prof. Dr. Oliver Plettenburg

Research Staff

Section Organometallic Chemistry

Section Natural Products Chemistry


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Markus Kalesse

Research Staff

Section Natural Product Synthesis


Research Staff

Doctoral Candidates

Maximilian Gerhardt Bauer, M.Sc.
David Immanuel Berger, M.Sc.
Bartosz Aleksander Leszczynski, M.Sc.
Jan Philipp Möller, M.Sc.

Administrative/Technical Staff

Section Structural Biology

Section Synthetic Biology



Research Staff

Doctoral Candidates

Maximilian Heinz

Administrative/Technical Staff

Section Synthetic Chemistry


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Kirschning

Research Staff

Administrative/Technical Staff

Department for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance


Administrative/Technical Staff

Department for Mass Spectrometry


Dr. Gerald Dräger

Administrative/Technical Staff

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