Mass Spectrometry and single crystal x-ray diffraction at the Institute of Organic Chemistry

The Centre for Mass Spectrometry is a central service unit of the chemical oriented institutes and is located in the Institute of Organic Chemistry.

It is a central contact point for all tasks and questions regarding mass spectrometry and supports the members of the involved institutes in all mass spectrometry related issues.

In addition, a single-crystal diffractometer is operated for organic structure analysis.

The Centre for Mass Spectrometry is a central service unit of the chemical oriented institutes and is located in the Institute of Organic Chemistry.

It is a central contact point for all tasks and questions regarding mass spectrometry and supports the members of the involved institutes in all mass spectrometry related issues.

In addition, a single-crystal diffractometer is operated for organic structure analysis.


The Centre for Mass Spectrometry was founded 2002 as is a central service unit of the chemical oriented institutes and is located in the Institute of Organic Chemistry.

The centre hosts several MS types (QTof, Tof, Quadrupol, Triplequad), inlet types (UPLC, HPLC, GC, direct inlet) and ionization methods (EI, CI, APCI, ESI) in modern laboratories.

Mass spectrometers and sample submission

The Centre for Mass Spectrometry hosts for mass spectrometers, which were bought and sustained by the members:

  •  HR UPLC-MS/MS: Waters QTof Premier (ESI- und APCI-MS/MS) with UPLC (Waters Acquity incl. TUV detector, built 2007)
  • HR HPLC-MS: Mircomass LCTPremier (ESI) with HPLC (Waters Alliance 2695, built 2004; the instrument will be taken out of service)
  • Direct inlet HR-EI-MS: Waters GCT Premier (built 2010)
  • HR-GCMS (EI/CI): Waters GCT Premier (built 2010)
  • GC-MS: Agilent 7890 + HP 5977B MSD (built 2019)

In addition, seven MS instruments (four analytical ESI-LC/MS (triple-quad & Tof), one semi preparative ESI-LC-MS, two preparative ESI-LC-MS, and one MALDI-Tof) owned by the members were supported by the centre for mass spectrometry.

Since winter 2024, the Mass Spectrometry Center has been part of CoreNAT, the research equipment platform of the Faculty of Natural Sciences. Our equipment can be found in the Small Molecules and Metabolomics section. Since joining, all other information such as usage regulations and price overviews for internal and external users can be found centrally here.