Publikationen, Bücher, Patente und weitere Beiträge des Instituts für Organische Chemie

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Zeige Ergebnisse 511 - 520 von 942


Weber, A., Dehn, R., Schläger, N., Dieter, B., & Kirschning, A. (2014). Total synthesis of the antibiotic Elansolid B1. Organic Letters, 16(2), 568-571.
Weiss, E., Dutta, B., Kirschning, A., & Abu-Reziq, R. (2014). BMIm-PF6@SiO2 Microcapsules: Particulated ionic liquid as a new material for the heterogenization of catalysts. Chemistry of Materials, 26(16), 4781-4787.
Werner, I., & Butenschön, H. (2014). The First Cyclopentadienyl Nickel Complexes Bearing a Silyl Group or Hydrogen Substituted Phosphine Chelating Sidechain. In Book of Abstracts: Molecular Complexity in Modern Chemistry MCMC-2014 (S. 62-62)
Werner, I., & Butenschön, H. (2014). The first late-transition-metal cyclopentadienyl chelate complexes with silylphosphane or secondary phosphane tethers. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2014(35), 6051-6060.


Ahmed, Y. L., Gerke, J., Park, H.-S., Bayram, O., Neumann, P., Ni, M., Dickmanns, A., Kim, S. C., Yu, J.-H., Braus, G. H., & Ficner, R. (2013). The Velvet Family of Fungal Regulators Contains a DNA-Binding Domain Structurally Similar to NF-kappa B. PLoS biology, 11(12).
Borst, E. M., Kleine-Albers, J., Gabaev, I., Babic, M., Wagner, K., Binz, A., Degenhardt, I., Kalesse, M., Jonjić, S., Bauerfeind, R., & Messerle, M. (2013). The human cytomegalovirus UL51 protein is essential for viral genome cleavage-packaging and interacts with the terminase subunits pUl56 and pUl89. Journal of virology, 87(3), 1720-1732.
Butenschön, H. (2013, Nov 13). Verleihung und Entzug von Titeln während der NS-Zeit: Gedenkveranstaltung der Leibniz Universität Hannover am 20.11.13.
Cludius-Brandt, S., Kupracz, L., & Kirschning, A. (2013). [3 + 2]-Cycloadditions of nitrile ylides after photoactivion of vinyl azides under flow conditions. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 9, 1745-1750.
Cordes, M., & Kalesse, M. (2013). The Vinylogous Mukaiyama Aldol Reaction in Natural Product Synthesis. In Modern Methods in Stereoselective Aldol Reactions (S. 83-154). Wiley-VCH Verlag.
Cox, R. J. (2013). A conserved motif flags acyl carrier proteins for beta-branching in polyketide synthesis. Nature chemical biology.{10.1038/NCHEMBIO.1342}