Publikationen, Bücher, Patente und weitere Beiträge des Instituts für Organische Chemie

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Zeige Ergebnisse 371 - 380 von 942


Essoung, F. R. E., Mba'ning, B. M., Lwande, W., Ngouela, S. A., Tsamo, E., Chhabra, S. C., Hassanali, A., & Cox, R. J. (2017). Welwitschianalol A and B, two cyclohexene derivatives and other insecticidal constituents of Caesalpinia welwitschiana (Oliv.) Brenan. Phytochemistry letters, 22, 81-86.
Feng, J., Zhang, P., Cui, Y., Li, K., Qiao, X., Zhang, Y. T., Li, S. M., Cox, R. J., Wu, B., Ye, M., & Yin, W. B. (2017). Regio- and Stereospecific O-Glycosylation of Phenolic Compounds Catalyzed by a Fungal Glycosyltransferase from Mucor hiemalis. Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 359(6), 995-1006.,
Gao, S. S., Wang, L., Song, Z., Hothersall, J., Stevens, E. R., Connolly, J., Winn, P. J., Cox, R. J., Crump, M. P., Race, P. R., Thomas, C. M., Simpson, T. J., & Willis, C. L. (2017). Selected Mutations Reveal New Intermediates in the Biosynthesis of Mupirocin and the Thiomarinol Antibiotics. Angewandte Chemie , 56(14), 3930-3934.,
Heinze, R. C., & Heretsch, P. (2017). Synthesis of Secosterols as an Arena for C-H Functionalization and C-C Manipulation Tactics. SYNLETT, 28(10), 1127-1133.
Heretsch, P. (2017). Form Follows Function: Designer Chemistry at the 52nd Bürgenstock Conference. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 56(31), 8933-8936.
Hüttel, S., Testolin, G., Herrmann, J., Planke, T., Gille, F., Moreno, M., Stadler, M., Brönstrup, M., Kirschning, A., & Müller, R. (2017). Discovery and Total Synthesis of Natural Cystobactamid Derivatives with Superior Activity against Gram-Negative Pathogens. Angewandte Chemie , 56(41), 12760-12764.,
Jara-Avaca, M., Kempf, H., Rückert, M., Robles-Diaz, D., Franke, A., de la Roche, J., Fischer, M., Malan, D., Sasse, P., Solodenko, W., Dräger, G., Kirschning, A., Martin, U., & Zweigerdt, R. (2017). EBIO Does Not Induce Cardiomyogenesis in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells but Modulates Cardiac Subtype Enrichment by Lineage-Selective Survival. Stem Cell Reports, 8(2), 305-317.
Keipert, S., Kutschke, M., Ost, M., Schwarzmayr, T., van Schothorst, E. M., Lamp, D., Brachthäuser, L., Hamp, I., Mazibuko, S. E., Hartwig, S., Lehr, S., Graf, E., Plettenburg, O., Neff, F., Tschöp, M. H., & Jastroch, M. (2017). Long-Term Cold Adaptation Does Not Require FGF21 or UCP1. Cell metabolism, 26(2), 437-446.
Kipke, A., Schöning, K. U., Yusubov, M., & Kirschning, A. (2017). TEMPO-Mediated Oxidative Deformylation of Aldehydes: Applications in the Synthesis of Polyketide Fragments. European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017(46), 6906-6913.
Kirschning, A., Dibbert, N., & Dräger, G. (2017). Chemical Functionalization of Polysaccharides: Towards Biocompatible Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications. Chemistry - A European Journal, 24(6), 1231-1240.